Your Work & Your Health: downloads and instructions
The benefit of .rar format (if you have the necessary software on your PC)
is that you can look at the program without needing to download to your hard
disk first. Whichever format you choose, the download file contains the same
- Knowhow.exe: the "Your work and your health" interface program.
- Knowbank folder: contains the database tables called by
the program. (39 files)
- Program folder: contains two files required for program
- Devtstuff folder: contains 1) Prototype documentation (yw-yhprototype.doc)
including full data modelling information; 2) Text file of program
3) Htmltables folder, which includes all
the information system database tables converted to html format. (Note: all
the actual information is in the files with "lkup" as part of their name
- the other tables are there to make the connections which bring up appropriate
information for the job specified.)
The "Your work & your health" program can still be run on modern
Windows PCs, but the DOS interface is far too outdated for it to be seriously
usable. If you run it, please note:
- No installation is involved to run the program's executable
file, knowhow.exe. Nothing is put in your registry or anywhere else. You
just need to download
the zipped file to your hard drive, then extract the contents -
just under 4 mb of uncompressed data in total. When you extract from the
zipped file, a folder called Workhaz should be created automatically, containing
the items listed above. For the program to run, you must ensure that the "Knowbank" and "Program" subfolders
and their content are present and correct as well as the .exe file.
- To run the program: Double-click on the file knowhow.exe.
You'll get an error
message telling you "System is not configured for current
code page".
This doesn't matter - just click the Continue button.
- The program will open in a small DOS window which you can't resize. (And
the background is grey when it should be white!) The program was designed
for running on PCs with a screen resolution of 640x480 pixels,
was very deliberately chunked accordingly
into screen-sized amounts. You will need to switch down your display resolution
if you want something closer to the original experience of running the program!
If the program has loaded correctly, the opening screen will look like
- Follow the on-screen instructions. The interface is keyboard rather than
mouse-based: running the program on a Windows PC, the mouse may not always
work quite as you expect
to give
it an
click). Running the program in a DOS window, you may also find in some places
that you have to press a key twice for it to take effect.
Use the Page-Up/Page-Down keys to navigate picklists quickly,
or type in the first letter of a word to go straight to it. The Arrow
keys can be used to navigate picklists too, although the mouse should work OK
for this. Esc takes
you back to the previous information screen. End takes you
back to the program's opening screen.
- When you want to quit the program, just close the window
it's running in with the X button in the top-right corner,
then select End
This is a dirty way to get out of it, but it's easy, and does no harm at
all to anything. (In DOS days, it
closed with Ctrl-Q.)
Anybody is welcome to use any of these materials for non-profit purposes,
but please acknowledge the source if you do so, and let me know
doing - contact
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